Birth Doula Blog
Curious about doula coverage with Tricare? Read on to learn more and reach out if you have other questions! Do I need a referral?
If you have Tricare Prime you will need a referral. Tricare Select does not need one.
How do I get a referral?
Find a Tricare approved doula and give her name, NPI, and contact info to your OB or midwife. I recommend you frequently check up on the status of your referral. If your provider is having a hard time creating one for you, speak to Patient Advocacy or contact your PCM.
How do I find a Tricare approved doula?
Log into Health Net or Humana Military. Be sure to search for In-Network and Non-Network doulas. Many newly approved doulas have not been added to the directory, so you could also run a Google search and ask the doula directly if she is Tricare approved.
What's the difference between In-Network and Non-Network doulas?
The main difference for you is that an In-Network doula should not be asking you for payment upfront. They will work directly with Tricare to get paid. Most Non-Network doulas will require you to pay them directly and they will create a bill that you can later submit to Tricare for reimbursement. Non-Network doulas may also charge 15% more than the allowable Tricare amount.
How much does Tricare cover?
The amount is specific to location, but the average total is about $966.
Will there be any out of pocket costs?
A Non-Network doula is allowed to charge up to 15% more than the allowable amount. However, if the total cost of any doula's package is more than that, she might give you two bills: one for Tricare and another for the difference that Tricare does not cover and it might include additional services. Ask up front what your out of pocket costs will be after reimbursement.
How do doulas bill Tricare?
All In-Network doulas directly bill Tricare as do a few Non-Network. However, the majority of Non-Network doulas will provide you with a bill that will itemize your number of visits and your labor details. You will see the total you paid her broken up amongst those visits.
Does a doula have to provide me with the six allowable visits?
No, she will likely provide you with the same amount of visits she offers to her non-Tricare clients.
Are virtual prenatal visits covered?
Will I be reimbursed for virtual labor support?
No. Ask your doula what your financial responsibility is if labor support becomes virtual
What if a backup doula is used?
Only a Tricare-approved backup doula is eligible for reimbursement. If a non-Tricare doula is used, you will not be reimbursed for her service. It is illegal for your original doula to bill Tricare for a labor she did not attend. Ask if your doula's backup is also Tricare-approved.
Will I be reimbursed if labor ends in a C-section or loss?
Tricare will reimburse the cost of labor no matter the outcome as long as the doula provided any amount of in-person support.
What if I no longer need doula support or she fails to make it?
If you schedule a C-section and choose not to have a doula, if you fail to call your doula, or if she doesn't make it in time to provide in-person support, you may incur out of pocket costs or she could offer additional services in lieu of reimbursement. Make sure your contract details both of your financial responsibilties in the event of failure to provide services.
Will the demonstration cover postpartum doulas?
No. However, an approved labor doula may choose when to use her six allowable visits.
When can I set up visits with a doula?
You may hire a doula at any point during your pregnancy but Tricare will not cover sessions before 20 weeks.
How do I submit a bill for reimbursement?
Most Non-Network doulas will provide you with a super bill that will include codes and fees. You will need to mail this along with DD Form 2642 to the appropriate address. You have one year from date of service to submit your claim. If your claim is denied, reach out to your doula ASAP so she can make any corrections. Most claims are processed by Tricare within 30 days (but could take up to 90) and a check will be mailed to you. You can check the status of your claim by logging into your Tricare portal or giving them a call.
Tips From a Doula Who Knows What Works
Maybe the hospital amenities or sense of safety have drawn you in. Or maybe you can't imagine delivering without your rock star team. Or maybe hospital births are just the way things are done. Whatever the reason, I'm sure you want to make it the best possible experience and avoid any unnecessary interventions.
BEFORE YOU GO •Read up on your hospital's policies and discuss the ones you aren't comfortable with to try and find a compromise or alternative with your care team. •Tour the hospital and learn how to enter the labor and delivery department (after hours too). Find out what the in-processing procedure looks like, what you can sign ahead of time, and what is done during triage. Ask what signs you need to show before being admitted. |
Guiding Gates Doula LLC
(719) 428-6929