Birth Doula Blog
Simple things can make a huge difference in improving your labor experience.
When we know better, we do better! Bonus: Not sleeping or resting in the beginning of labor, especially if you're being induced. Why Exploring Your Unwanted Birth Matters
When it comes to labor prep you know to get your body ready for the big day. You will practice yoga, find a breathing technique that works for you, fuel your body with the right food, and become mindful of your body's mechanics. But did you know the most important work in labor is mental?
The deepest work you will do in labor is emotional, mental, and spiritual. You will need to surrender to the great mystery that is childbirth. You will not know how or when baby will come. You will need to give up any time limits, expectations, and control to go deep within yourself and labor peacefully. Labor is not a time for holding back our primal instincts or allowing fear to hold us back. It's a time of surrender and acceptance. Curious about doula coverage with Tricare? Read on to learn more and reach out if you have other questions! Click here to learn more about what a doula is and how she can support you. What's included in the demonstration?
Up to 6 prenatal or postpartum hours and labor support from a Tricare-approved doula. It also covers 6 lactation visits with an approved lactation specialist.
What are the eligibility requirements?
•Be enrolled in Tricare Prime or Select.
•See a Tricare-approved provider for the management of your pregnancy (OB or Certified Nurse Midwife). Certified Professional Midwives are not approved. •Give birth outside of a military treatment facility. Home births are covered with a CNM. •Be at least 20 weeks pregnant for doula support or 27 weeks for lactation support. How do I find a Tricare approved doula?
Log into Health Net if you're in the West region or Humana Military if you're in the East. Be sure to search for In-Network and Non-Network doulas.
What's the difference between In-Network and Non-Network doulas?
If you're on Prime, the main difference for you is that an In-Network doula does not require a referral, whereas an Non-Network doula does. On the doula's part, payment varies between both statuses. Both have met all of Tricare's requirements.
You have the right to choose a Non-Network doula if there's an In-Network doula without availability for your due date. Do I need a referral and how do I get one?
If you have Tricare Prime you will need a referral. Tricare Select does not need one.
Your Tricare-approved provider (OB or CNM) can request a referral. You can provide them with your doula's NPI and name if you already have one or it will be made to any doula and it can be updated to your preferred doula by calling Tricare. If your provider is having a hard time creating one for you, speak to Patient Advocacy or contact your PCM. Will there be any out of pocket costs?
No, doulas should not request any upfront payment from you. However, there are some doulas who offer optional services not covered under the demonstration, such as photography, massage, placenta encapsulation, etc. You will be financially responsible for those if you choose them and they will ask you to sign a Non-Covered Services Waiver.
Are virtual prenatal visits or labor support covered?
No, Tricare does not allow any virtual doula support, but they do cover virtual lactation visits.
Does a doula have to provide me with the six allowable hours?
No, she will likely provide you with the same amount of hours she offers to her non-Tricare clients. That means she might provide you with less or more than six hours. It depends on her business model.
Will the demonstration cover postpartum doulas?
No. However, an approved labor doula may choose when to use any of her six allowable hours. For example, if you did not meet prenatally with your labor doula, she might offer you six postpartum hours. How she uses the six hours is up to her discretion.
Does the demonstration cover labor that ends in a C-section or loss?
Yes, Tricare will cover the cost of doula support no matter the outcome as long as the doula provided any amount of in-person support.
What if I no longer need doula support or she fails to make it?
If during labor you choose not to have a doula, fail to call your doula, or she doesn't make it in time to provide in-person support, you may incur out of pocket costs if she has a no-show policy.
What if a backup doula is used in labor?
Only a Tricare-approved backup doula is eligible under the program and for your doula to receive payment. If she cannot find one, you could use a non-Tricare doula but will likely need to pay for her services.
When should I hire a doula?
You may hire a doula at any point during your pregnancy but Tricare will not cover sessions before 20 weeks. Many doulas book out months in advance, so it's best to secure one within the first trimester.
Tips From a Doula Who Knows What Works
Maybe the hospital amenities or sense of safety have drawn you in. Or maybe you can't imagine delivering without your rock star team. Or maybe hospital births are just the way things are done. Whatever the reason, I'm sure you want to make it the best possible experience and avoid any unnecessary interventions.
BEFORE YOU GO •Read up on your hospital's policies and discuss the ones you aren't comfortable with to try and find a compromise or alternative with your care team. •Tour the hospital and learn how to enter the labor and delivery department (after hours, too). Find out what the in-processing procedure looks like, what you can sign ahead of time, and what is done during triage. Ask what signs you need to show before being admitted.
A few weeks ago I was invited to be a guest on Julie Jacobs's wonderful podcast Goddesses Gather Here. And like the name implies, this is a podcast for amazing women to lift each other up, share their journeys, and offer advice so you too can become a goddess.
I met Julie at a meeting for military spouse entrepreneurs. I was seated quietly at the end of the table (as I had arrived late) and Julie was actively taking part in the conversation. I knew she was a force of a woman by the look of her bold red lips and when she mentioned the name of her podcast, I just knew I had to meet her! There is something so special about women recognizing, creating, and supporting other strong women. And that's what I do as a doula...I get to witness strength being born. I help women find confidence during their pregnancy so that they can have an empowered birth. Listen here to learn more about why I got into doula work, what my favorite part is, and what lies ahead for me. Happy listening, friends! On January 1, 2022, Tricare debuted their Childbirth and Breastfeeding Support Demonstration which will run until December 31, 2026. This demonstration seeks to study the impact birth doulas and lactation counselors/consultants have on the services of cost, quality of care, and maternal and fetal outcomes for the Tricare population.
In order to get reimbursed for doula services, you must: •Be at least 20 weeks pregnant upon your first prenatal visit •Be enrolled in Tricare Prime or Tricare Select •If you have Tricare Prime, obtain a referral from your PCM to see a provider for the management of your pregnancy AND for doula services •Choose prenatal care with a Tricare-authorized OB/GYN or a Certified Nurse Midwife (CNM) •Choose in-person labor support. Prenatal and postpartum visits may be in-person or virtual •Use Tricare as your primary insurance
Sometimes the amount of info out there regarding VBAC can be overwhelming, confusing, and at times plain false! It can be tricky navigating through all that noise, so I've narrowed it down for you. Read on to learn how YOU can stay informed and in control of your care.
Your provider is a key person in the success of your VBAC and it's very important to find someone who is supportive, not just tolerant. Remember that yes, no one can legally force you to have a C-section nor deny you care even if the hospital has a VBAC ban, but it's also important to know ahead of time if your hospital has the tools and staff to support a true C-section emergency. You really can't force a hospital to treat you if they don't have the means. And if your provider is suggesting a repeat C-section, don't dismiss the advice so quickly. Really talk to them about their concerns to find solutions and compromises. Sometimes having a repeat C-section is truly medically necessary and your best option. Next time you see your provider ask: •How long will you allow me to remain pregnant? Why do you prefer that date? •Will we attempt an induction? Which methods will be used? •How will I be monitored during labor? •How do you feel about me laboring as long as possible as long baby and I are doing well? •At what point during labor will a C-section be needed? Also, ask yourself:
So, you've decided on getting a doula. Now what? To give yourself a few options, interview at least three candidates and choose based on the connection, not just on the fee, experience, or reputation. A pricey doula doesn't necessarily mean she's giving you quality support. An experienced doula doesn't always mean she's right for YOUR experience. And a popular one is simply one who's talked about, but there might be another one who could be a best-kept secret. Ask the following questions to get to know the person she is, her values, work ethic, and client-doula relationship. Make sure you and your partner both get the same positive vibe and that she meets your individual priorities.
Ask the questions that are important to you. Oftentimes, potential clients just go down a list of questions they found on Google and the meet-and-greet quickly becomes a high-pressure job interview. Maybe experience doesn't matter to you or maybe meeting often isn't a deal breaker for you, so skip those questions. Stick to the topics that are suited to your needs and goals. P.S. If you decide to pass on her, be courteous and let her know. It's just the nice thing to do!
I'm a straight shooter, so I'll start by saying that there is a time and place for an epidural. Personally, I believe it's overused, rarely necessary, and not fully understood by laboring people. If the immediate and future benefits and risks are truly considered then I see no problem with the use of an epidural. My biggest issue with it is that the promise of quick pain relief overshadows the uncomfortable prep work that is needed prior to administration, the potential risks during its use, and the effects after it's been removed. That being said, there are actual circumstances in which the benefits outweigh the risks.
So, maybe you are new to this doula thing or all of your friends have gotten one for their labors and swear they couldn't have done it without the help of a doula. Now you're wondering if you should get one too. I mean, all the cool kids are doing it, right?
Even though I'd love your business, I'm not going to lie to you. Doulas aren't the only ones who can improve your birth experience. I say it all the time, surround yourself with the RIGHT people! Studies have shown that having doula support during pregnancy and labor can decrease your chances of a C-section, need for pain medication, and assisted delivery. We can also increase your overall satisfaction with your birth experience and improve breastfeeding and bonding outcomes. But how does a doula have that effect and can anyone else give you those amazing outcomes? |
Guiding Gates Doula LLC
(719) 428-6929